Spine Articles

Itch & The Spine: It May Be Related To Disc Disease.

For an itch that won’t quit, Groton chiropractic care may be relieving if disc disease is involved. Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office knows the spine, disc  disease and its care.

The Painful Disc and Groton Chiropractic Relief

Groton chiropractic care at Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office helps relieve the pain a disc may suffer when aging, nutritional lack and/or repetitive motion make it hurt. 

Spinal Stenosis in Groton: What Works? Conservative Care!

Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office knows well what lumbar spinal stenosis does to the spine and how it interferes with life. The Groton chiropractic care is just what the researchers ordered for relief!

Neck Curvature: Big Deal? Pain Is.

Groton chiropractic neck pain patients usually want relief for their neck pain. The curve of the neck is interesting to most patients, but pain relief is their focus.