Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office Offers Chiropractic Care Which May Reduce the Need of Opioids

The epidemic of opioid use. It’s been in the news. A good way to avoid relying on opioids is to not even start with them. The public and the medical community are (coming) together on this. New research presents the benefit chiropractic care has in reducing the need, prescribing, and use of opioids. Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office is happy to satisfy the additional role of pain management for Groton back pain sufferers!


Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office knows the frequent opioid use in low back pain management. Researchers do, also. They reviewed low back pain patients cared for by chiropractors to find out if said chiropractic patients were less likely to use or more likely to use lower doses of opioids for their pain. Such an effect could lead to a decreased risk of adverse effects. They saw that chiropractic patients versus non-chiropractic patients were 55% less likely to fill an opioid prescription, a considerably lower number. (1) There are many Groton chiropractic patients who would like to not get their opioid prescriptions. Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office is here to help them manage their back pain with the addition of Groton chiropractic care.


Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office often communicates with medical colleagues to be of assistance to our Groton back pain patients in managing their pain. Research supports such an effort! The study of a family medicine practice that integrated chiropractic services stated fluctuations in opioid prescription rates. The monthly rate of opioid prescription writing dropped significantly by 22%. The rate of prescription writing for schedule II opioids dropped significantly by 32% too. The likelihood of writing a schedule II opioid prescription fell by 27%, too, when chiropractic services were added. Medical providers prescribed daily doses of opioids that were 30% less than before chiropractic was added. Adding chiropractic reduced the dosage of opioids, the number of opioid prescriptions, and the types of opioids prescribed. The authors suggested that adding chiropractic was positive in opioid prescribing and implementation of a non-pharmaceutical option for pain management. (2) By collaborating like this, Groton healthcare providers like your chiropractor and your medical team want what is best for your health and back pain relief. We’ll work together to accomplish that goal.

CONTACT Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office

Listen to this PODCAST with DR. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes how Cox® Technic eases back pain with some discussion of the role of opioids.

Make your next Groton chiropractic appointment today. For the epidemic of back pain and opioid use, adding Groton chiropractic care may be advantageous in easing the opioid epidemic. 

Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office presents new research that shows the benefit of chiropractic care in reducing the need and use of opioids for back pain. 
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