Prescriptions of Opioids Pre and Post Back Surgery for Groton Back Pain, Chiropractic Care May Reduce Rxs and Pain

The use of opioid pain medication for pain has been a common treatment. Its use is a little too common as medicine today is even attempting to scale back on its prescription. For back surgery patients, it has been quite common, both before and/or after back surgery. Though today the use of opioids is being less supported, many back pain sufferers find themselves with opioid prescriptions from their healthcare providers. Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office would love to be the first healthcare provider Groton back pain and neck pain patients visit and truly embrace the opportunity to care for the post-surgical continued pain patients - with or without opioid prescriptions - who come to us with the same or returned pain in the same spinal area where they had surgery. We’re have the skills to help.

BACK SURGERY OUTCOME PREDICTORS: # of Rx Prescribers and # of Rx Prescriptions

Very few hurry into back surgery. Back pain sufferers often look for help from various healthcare providers before surgery is considered and/or scheduled. 66.9% of patients in a retrospective study of patients who had single-level fusion surgeries retained one or less opioid prescription prescribers before surgery while 33.1% employed more than one opioid prescribers. The more pre-surgical opioid prescribers in a back surgery patient’s case was a predictor of increased improvement of post-surgical back pain. The more pre-surgical opioid prescriptions a patient used was a predictor for poorer surgical outcomes including worse improvement in back VAS pain scores, leg VAS pain scores, Oswestry Disability Index scores, and for more post-surgical opioid prescriptions, prescribers, and morphine milligram equivalents. An interesting and seemingly side note to the study was that if a nonoperative spine provider was included in the case, an increased improvement in leg pain VAS scores was seen. (1) Chiropractic is a profession of nonoperative spine providers! We chiropractors are prepared and well-trained to help manage back pain before and after surgery and give patients an opportunity to lower their opioid use for pain management. 


For patients who underwent back surgery and find that they experience back pain in the same area that  the surgery was supposed to relieve, the return of pain can be frustrating. Some return to the medical model and get new pain medication prescriptions or extended prescriptions for the post-surgery meds. Others seek chiropractic care. A new study of such patients who turned to chiropractic care with chiropractors who are certified in Cox® Technic spinal manipulation (manual spinal decompression manipulation) stated that of the 59 participants in the study, 11 entered the study utilizing opioid medications. Eight of them self-reported that they reduced or quit their use. Three said they continued their use. (2) This holds hope for many post-surgical continued pain patients that not having to take pain meds as the only way to pain relief may be possible. Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office is Groton’s post-surgical back pain provider to consult for Cox® Technic treatment.

CONTACT Shoreline Medical Services/ Hutter Chiropractic Office

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Marc Baker on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes his use of The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management in delivering relief for a military veteran with back pain after back surgery.

Make your Groton chiropractic appointment today. If you’ve had back surgery, now take pain meds, opioids, or not, we look forward to seeing and helping you.

Groton chiropractic care to reduce pain after back surgery and potentially patient choice to use opioids 
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